Sunday, August 17, 2008

Why child difficulty to eat?

  1. Were bored with the menu or the monoton served daily. 
    The solution: varied the menu ate every days and served food with the very funny form. 
  2. Ate food high calori like peppermints, soft drink, or snack so as the child did not feel hungry when time to eat arrived. 
    The solution: gave food high calories a long before the hour ate or gave food healthy like, yougurt, cheese, etc 
  3. Drink milk too many. On the age >1 years, requirement for milk only 2 glasses a day.
    The solution: reduced milk, trained the child to eat rice/bread, vegetables and the side dish.
  4. Were affected parents's habit, if parents lazy to eating (ex. diet), the child will also copy that.
    The solution: change of parents's habit in the matter ate.
  5. Negativistic attitude of the child's age >2 years often threw available food in his mouth away or even threw him. The negativistic attitude was a normal phase was passed through by each child age of pre-schoolers. Don't had the child or punished the child when have an attitude like this. This attitude also some part of his development stage to show the wish to independent
    The solution: understood the condition for the child, developed good communication with the child. Was patient faced the child.
  6. The child was sick/sad. the Child did not want to eat also could be caused sick or being sad. If usually the child was seen active, cheerful and fussy, then in time was sick he more liked quiet and was seen lazy
    Tthe Solution: came back in the concept developed good communication . Don't force the child if did not want to ate. Give the snack high calorie, like macaroni, etc..

Stay creative processed & served food, developed good communication , learn about child want, understood the condition for the child, and was patient.


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